The Rhythm of the Party Virgen of Carmen Paucartambo Cusco Peru 2016
Every Year from 15th to 18th of July celebrate the Party of the Virgen del Carmen in Paucartambo Cusco , 19 dance group , dancing for her , devotees of the twown and from different parts of the world come to venerate.
Cada año el 15 al 18 de Julio se celebra la Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen en Cusco Perú , 19 danzas bailan para ella, devotos del pueblo de paucartambo y de diferentes partes vienen a venerarla.

The artesanal figthworks is part of the show for the virgen.

The principal Mass of the Virgen is held the 16th the second day of the party where all attend. La Misa principal para la Virgen es el Sabado 16 de julio , donde todos asisten a venerar y a rezar a la Virgen.

The Capac Negro another group of dancers begin to dress up for the party. Los Capac Negros , otro grupo de danzantes , vistiendose para la fiesta.

The Maqtas a group of dancers of the party are together in their place before enter to dance for the Virgen. Los Maqtas , grupos de danzantes de la fiesta de la virgen del carmen , reunidos en su cargo antes de ingresar a bailar.

The Differents groups dancing in the plaza of paucartambo.

Childrens and Adults participating in the Party.

Devottes from far away come to venerate to the Virgen. Devotos de diferentes ciudades vienen de muy lejos a darle su devoción a la virgen.

walking in the morning to the cemetery to play for their deeds

The people union to the cemetery to visit their deads.